Unity Circles
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Strength in Unity.

Unity Circles centers communities most impacted by carceral systems by building networks of intergenerational leadership rooted in the values and practices of Transformative and Restorative Justice.

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Who We Are

Unity Circles envisions a world where where individuals and communities affected by the carceral systems are active participants in their own healing. Our approach is multi-faceted, combining community engagement, education, and advocacy to create a ripple effect of positive change.

Learn More About What Guides Our Work




Facts & Figures:

Based off  of North American Indigenous traditions and Southern African Ubuntu philosophy, Unity Circles believes that all people are inherently interconnected; that through this connection we can heal and transform to become our best selves.

Our circle models and interventions are designed from evidence-based principles and practices, incorporating cultural responsiveness, strength-based approaches and healing-centered practices.



Boston youth

Unity Circles has served over 1000 youth in the Boston Area. Our focus on North American Indigenous circles and restorative justice principles and transformative justice practices sets us apart from traditional behavioral programs.


our program's birth year

Since 2012 we have provided opportunities for youth across Boston to connect and learn ways to transform their relationships with one another within inside and outside of schools.


2022 fundraiser goal

Unity Circles is successful thanks to the generosity of volunteers, interns and donations. Donate here.


Get Involved

Unity Circles invites individuals, organizations, and communities to join hands in our journey towards a more just and compassionate world. Together, we can break the chains of the past and build a future where unity, empathy, and restoration are the cornerstones of our collective existence.


Help us reach our fundraising goal of $200,000 to support and expand Unity Circles.


We work directly with the local community members and local universities

Spread the word

Spread the word about Unity Circles and be a part of making change.