Our Philosophy & Core Values

Our Philosophy: Ubuntu

The philosophy of Ubuntu originates from the Zulu people of South Africa. The Nguni Bantu term means “humanity.” It is often translated as “I am because we are” or “humanity towards others,” In its philosophical sense, Ubuntu reminds use that we are all connected and that every action has indirect and direct effects on ourselves and our community.  Using this as a guiding philosophy, we support youth in building skills to identify challenges in their community and support them in addressing those challenges in a healthy and holistic way. We believe that people from all walks of life are needed to build strong communities

Our Core Values:

LEADERSHIP- We believe young people have the ability and drive to be change agents of their community. We support them in building skills to be leaders and advocates for their community.

TRANSFORMATION- We believe that positive change manifests through transformation. We support young people in transforming into their best selves through dialogue, mindfulness and movement based practices. 

RESILIENCE- We believe in the resilience of the people we serve. Our inter-generational approach invites community members from all ages to come together and build resilience through storytelling and coming together. 

JUSTICE- We believe justice is achieved through peace, equity and respect for all people. We work with community members and partners to achieve justice.