Testimonial: 'A Stronger Tie to the Community'
Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash
Intern Testimonial
Alexis Belluscio
Suffolk University Graduate, Class of 2017
"I recently graduated from Suffolk University with a degree in psychology and sociology. In the spring of 2016 I was presented with the opportunity of interning as a facilitator for Peace Circles [now 'Unity Circles'].
Peace Circles is a program created by Valleria Miranda that implements a Restorative Justice model in Boston Public Schools. The program uses circles and requires a talking piece in order to voice your opinion. The curriculum is designed to teach patience, promote positive behavior, mindfulness, and social and emotional learning.
My internship took place at the James P Timilty Middle School in Roxbury, Ma. I’ve always been intrigued about the concepts surrounding the brain and child development. I was able to see firsthand how adolescents rewire their brains over a period of time. The example I use to describe this phenomenon is an eighth grade girl who shifted her personality completely. In the beginning of the school year she skipped class regularly and was failing most of her classes. After attending peace circles for only a couple of months this student’s grades drastically improved. Teachers were shocked at the instant transformation. I worked one on one with the young girl and learned that she was having issues at home and was acting out for attention.
Upon graduation, I was able to obtain a job as a social worker because of my experience with Peace Circles. My internship has provided me with both the skills and resources needed to incorporate into cases and home visits. My overall experience working at the James P Timilty Middle School has given me a stronger tie to the community."